At First Baptist Church of Hays:
We Believe …
in the Trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Bible is the inspired and sacred word of God. We believe that Jesus is God’s son, sent as a baby to be born in this world, to live, perform miracles, and die an awful, painful death on a cross.
He did this to complete God’s plan for salvation for all who repent of their sins. We believe baptism through immersion should follow repentance and acceptance of God’s gift of Salvation.
We believe, as the Scripture says, that one day He will return for His people and those believers who have died will rise up from the grave, and those who are still alive will all meet Jesus in the air to live with Him forever.
We Pray …
that if you do not know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, you will feel Him tugging on your heart, asking you to come to Him. If you are already a believer, we hope you feel God’s presence here among us as we worship Him together.
We Invite You …
to become a part of our congregation. We are a group of people who love God and strive daily to live a life in service to our Lord.
Essential Beliefs
1. God – We serve a loving God who is concerned about every individual. He is the creator of everything (seen and unseen). He is sovereign and forgiving.
2. Jesus – The Son of God who is both fully Divine and fully human. He came to earth, lived here, died for our sins, and rose again. Jesus is the promised Messiah.
3. Holy Spirit – The third member of the Trinity (1 God in 3 persons). Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would come after his departure. The Holy Spirit arrived on Pentecost and He dwells within the heart of every Believer.
4. Bible – It is the proclaimed Word of God. It needs to be read, studied, and applied. The preaching at First Baptist Church is based upon the teachings of the Bible.
5. Baptism – Baptism follows the acceptance of Christ as Lord and Savior. Following Christ’s example, we baptize by full body immersion.
6. Lord’s Supper – Our communion is open to all Believers. We follow Christ’s instructions by partaking in communion.
7. The Human Condition – There is a continual need for forgiveness because of our sinful nature.
8. Purpose of attending Church – Christians come together in fellowship to worship God. We receive instructions in the ways of following Christ and His teachings.
First Baptist Church is an American Baptist Church.