Our Story
The First Baptist Church was organized in 1883 and met at the local school house. Through the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Watson Beach, two lots were acquired and a small stone church was built at the corner of 12th and Fort Streets, being completed in 1887. The Baptist parsonage was erected in 1916 and the Church annex was added in 1927. By 1949 it was necessary to replace the original church building, and that building still stands as a witness to the many who have served and worshiped here. The Mortgage burning was celebrated in 1954.
Our facility over the years has made improvements based on the needs of our members, congregation and visitors. Some of the improvements include a new HVAC in 2007, an elevator, and audio/visual and internet upgrades.
The history of First Baptist Church shows involvement in ABC and ABCCR annual events, local and regional missions, Camp Christy, Annual Gathering, mission conference and mission trips. The willingness of our core members to serve the Lord in the capacity of the pulpit, communion to shut ins, laymanship, etc. has been a blessing. Ending each Sunday we have a fellowship meal after morning services.
To quote from a previous Anniversary bulletin..."Not only the property, but the church itself with its spiritual traditions and service are a heritage we have because of many loyal and generous members, too numerous to mention, some of whom have passed away; some of whom have moved to other communities; and some of whom have continued in active and faithful fellowship here. If we could have together all who have been members of the church congregation, or Sunday School, they would constitute a great multitude. We are grateful for the material and spiritual heritage the church now has. "Others have labored and we have entered into their labors."
Since it's conception 33 pastors have served in God's ministry of First Baptist Church Hays. Reverend G. Christipher Prater currently serves as our 34th pastor.